Attendance System

[this link might be dead because I’m not actively maintaining it]

I made our school’s shiny new online attendance system with the help of my homeroom teacher to replace the old paper-based system. It was used for about half a semester stably but was later dropped because the school’s IT department decided the services this utilized was not suitable to our school’s infrastructure. It is now open-sourced here. I also created a much more robust version 2 with MySQL, but was never presented.

URL Shortener

This is written with Flask and uses Firebase for database and authentication. You can now easily host your own URL shortener!


EZHTML: An easy copy and paste machine static website generator written in C++ using fstream.


random: A random number generator for my class. It was my first project using Svelte.


cyberfair-2022: A website for the International CyberFair in 2022. It was the first project that uses EZHTML. The source code is avaliable here. (This was my second time participating in the CyberFair.)


cyberfair-2021: A website for the International CyberFair in 2021. It was my first time participating in the CyberFair, so the site is a little unpolished. The source code is avaliable here.


This android app trains your addition by continuously giving you short, easy addition problems to solve in a given time.


Show GUI using flask to ping Assistant-Relay and control Google Home devices. Built using Assistant-Relay as the basis.


Fun little project I made when I was learning iOS Swift.

Personal Blog

What you are looking at right now. Built using Hugo and themed by PaperMod.

URL Shortener (reurl fetch API)

Tiny URL shortener built with the reurl API. Has list mode and single mode.

Miscellaneous Coding Projects

This repo contains all the small side useless projects I created when I was bored.